The Bio-medical sector was promptly caught off guard in 2007, when an article published in the prestigious journal "Nature Medicine" caused quite a stir, showing that amazing health benefits can be achieved with something as natural and simple as molecular hydrogen.
With this relatively new understanding about the active role of hydrogen gas, we are now able to understand why many hundreds of thousands of people have now benefited from "ionised water". However, for years, many people thought that the rise in pH was at the root of improving health. Water ionisers that made water with high PH values were much hated. It has now been shown that dissolved molecular hydrogen is really the cause of the healing processes by ionised water in the body.
More than 600 medical studies have now been conducted on the beneficial effects of hydrogen. Clinical studies substantiate the benefits of drinking Hydrogen Enriched Water.
Drinking Hydrogen Water for Good Health
- Hydrogen is a super potent, safe and selective antioxidant.
- High bioavailability (absorption capacity of the body
- Hydrogen molecules are smaller but much more powerful than the antioxidants vitamin C or Q10.
- No toxic by-products are produced when neutralising oxidants.
- Hydrogen passes cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier with ease.
- Hydrogen reaches the cell nucleus, mitochondria and other cell organelles.
- Hydrogen increases other antioxidant processes in our body.
- Converts radicals to water.
- Helps better hydrate, detoxify and nourish our bodies.
- Inhibits inflammatory processes.
- Can help lower blood pressure.
- Work supportively in anti-allergy.
- Stabilises cholesterol levels.
- Works skin supportive (softer skin and hair) and against premature ageing.
- Protects against radiation damage.
- Supports and protects cognitive faculties.
- Supports the nervous system.
- Prevents premature cell death.
- Supports stable glucose levels.
- Helps improve gastrointestinal disorders.
- Efficiency in nutrient absorption and waste removal.
- Reduced deposition of calcium (lime).
- Strengthens immunity.
- Good for personal growth and development.
Water can retain all frequencies of substances it has come into contact with.
Water can store and release photons. Hydrogen gas is a super powerful antioxidant.
Hydrogen Water Drinking
In fact, it has been proven that the positive health effects people experience when drinking ionised water can be explained by hydrogen-enriched water. The disadvantage of the first water ionising machines is that the water was only supplied with hydrogen when these devices were adjusted to water with a pH of 9. Water with such a high pH is only drinkable on an empty stomach, because strongly alkaline water neutralises stomach acid (not very convenient during or just after eating).
This discovery prompted the search for methods to enrich water with hydrogen without raising the pH excessively. So the new water-ionising machines work differently and more effectively.