The best asthma therapy

Asthma is a disease of the airways with many 'faces'. You can have asthma and also win a world title in, for example, skating. The other extreme is that despite good treatment you are capable of little and have become incapacitated for work.

​The airways can be seen as round tubes that branch into smaller and smaller tubes. There is normally a lining with a thin layer of mucous membrane on the inside. On the outside it is surrounded by muscles.

The problem with asthma is that the mucous membrane of the airways is often inflamed and irritated and the surrounding muscles start to cramp. This causes the passage in the airways to narrow (less air can pass through).

Because of this inflammation:

  • the mucous membrane swells
  • makes the mucous membrane more mucus,
  • muscles in the walls of the airways contract,
  • can constrict the airways (significantly).

The extent of the inflammation and cramping varies over time. This means that asthma often has an erratic course.

Medical therapy
​Medicaments are aimed at treating the symptoms. The prescribed drugs can be divided into a number of groups: bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids), expectorants and antibiotics. Based on the severity of the asthma and the frequency of attacks. All medicines have side effects.​ Oxygen works like a medicine but without the side effects.

Oxygen therapy
Asthma can keep you from starting exercise. People with asthma are often short of breath and tired, or they are afraid of having an asthma attack. Experience shows that users with, for example, exercise-induced asthma dare to exercise again by combining exercise with oxygen. The use of oxygen counteracts shortness of breath and one can start to build up condition again. This is certainly not a miracle therapy or cure for everything, but oxygen is indispensable and therefore a safe and effective addition to all regular forms of therapy. After all, without enough oxygen it is difficult to achieve even a healing effect!

The natural oxygen therapy improves blood flow and oxygen transfer and has significant beneficial effects on the relief of lung disorders. The EWOT oxygen therapy is a natural method that supports the body's performance and self-healing capacity. At the same time, due to the improved oxygen supply, it forms the basis on which both conventional medical treatments and natural therapies can be more effective.

Benefits of higher oxygen levels
The higher oxygen level plays a crucial role in decreasing the severity of the inflammatory reactions and increasing the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs. Improves lung function and the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to other tissues in emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis, reduces inflammation